Leadership Series Part 5: Manage Stress From The Inside Out
Recordings will be available to those who register who cannot attend the live session.
Tapping into the core competencies of Social-Emotional Learning (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making).
Instructor: Kevin Brennan, Co-Owner/Director; Top 20 Training
Target Audience: All Leaders and developing Leaders
December 17, 2024 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Session 1
This session focuses on becoming aware of our thinking so we know when it is working and when it is not working. It explores:
(1) a means for knowing when our thinking is working in our best interest and when it is not
(2) the conditions that come up in our life that invite us to use our Bottom 80 Thinking
(3) indicators telling us when we are Bottom 80
(4) how to handle Bottom 80 experiences with more grace and dignity
(5) how to trampoline back to our Top 20 Thinking
January 14, 2025 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Session 2: Creating an Effective & Healthy Workplace Culture
Top 20s create a culture that develops the potential of colleagues and themselves. This session presents four components of a Top 20 culture:
(1) help others succeed
(2) communicate ‘you matter
(3) honor the absent
(4) see the problem, own the problem. It also presents a tool for assessing the degree to which these components exist in a culture.
January 28, 2025 11:30 - 1:00 pm - Session 3: Knowing Our Purpose
Effective people know the outcomes they want to achieve. They are aware of their mission, purpose, and the values they bring to their work. They are deliberate about “Keeping the main thing, the main thing.” However, conditions that occur throughout the year can diminish their clear sense of purpose and value. This session will explore:
(1) what their individual mission, purpose or values are
(2) those conditions that detract from our mission
(3) how we can be aware when we are getting off purpose
(4) how we can regain focus on what is truly important
February 11, 2025 11:00 - 1:00 pm - Session 4: Knowing How To See Things Differently, The Frame
The Frame helps people understand why they are getting the results they are getting out of life. The session examines:
(1) the tendency we have to blame others when we are not getting the results we desire
(2) how our 'need to be right' activates blame
(3) how curiosity helps us to get better results
(4) what we can do to see more or differently
February 25, 2025 11:00 - 1:00 pm - Session 5: Manage Stress From the Inside Out
Although stress is necessary for a healthy life, chronic stress is a destroyer of life. This session focuses on:
(1) how stressors come from outside and inside ourselves
(2) how our thoughts increase stress
(3) practical ways to minimize unhealthy stress. Experiences, relationships, and productivity are diminished by negativity. This session provides attendees with awareness and means for reducing negativity in their own thinking and in their social conversations.
Continuing Education: Clock Hours: 7.5
Application is being made to the following agencies: MN Board of Nursing, MN Board of Social Work., MN BELT&S, MN Board of Pharmacy and pending MN Board of PT. The # of CEU’s will be indicated on the certificate of attendance provided to each participant who attends the session. To check on final hours awarded, please contact the Medi-Sota office.
Registration Fees
Medi-Sota Members: $220 Per Facility
Non-Medi-Sota Members: $350 Per Person
- All participating individuals should register for the workshop, but each facility will receive only one invoice from Medi-Sota following the first webinar attended by individuals from that organization. All registered individuals will be provided connection information and handouts. If there are any duplicate payments made, the facility will be refunded. Please choose only 1 ticket and then choose Mail Invoice.
- The recording link for each session will be available to all registrants for 60 days.
Prior to the program, you will receive an email with any additional course information. Registration Deadline: December 16, 2024 by 5pm this ensures all registrants will receive course information & any materials in a timely manner.
Cancellations must be made no later than 15 business days prior to the start of the course. The full course fee will be charged if cancellation is made in less than 15 business days. Full refunds will be given for all classes cancelled by Medi-Sota. Registration is transferable to another person.